To receive high quality, compassionate, considerate and respectful care ,without any prejudice pertaining to ethnicity , gender, religious belief or age
To be informed of alternative options or sources of care and services, even if not available at KIMS Bahrain Medical Centre
In case a transfer to another facility is required, to be provided with a complete explanation including alternatives to the ransfer.
To choose the doctor that you want to treat you, to know his/her name and specialty, and to be allowed to have a look at his/her educational credentials and experience certificates.
To be fully informed about the illness treatment and prognosis, and to be educated about the medication, diet prevention and any other aspects of the treatment and disease process including
unanticipated outcome.
To know the price list of any doctor’s consultation, investigations, inpatient admission and procedures and discuss it with the front office executives or the responsible person assigned prior to
as well as after, receiving the service.
To ask for a second medical consultation in case you are not convinced with your present con sultation and/or treatment plan.
To have your healthcare information protected, whereby information concerning your health and treatment may only be disclosed with informed consent, except when mandated in terms of law
or an order of the court.
To issue a complaint against your doctors, the hospital or other health care personnel given lack of satisfaction with any aspect of service provision.
In case of emergencies, you have the right to receive treatment without prior authorization.
To refuse any treatment to the extent permitted by the law and be informed of the medical consequences of refusal.
To refuse any examination or treatment conducted solely for the education or information of others, or to have your medical case used for such a purpose.
Patient Responsibilities
To be on time when you have a scheduled appointment. In case of any delay or change, please contact the reception desk.
To provide a complete medical history (including allergies, medications taken, etc.), and other relevant details to enable the healthcare provider to develop the plan of care.
To fully participate in the treatment plan by asking about information that will help you understand it, especially before signing consent forms.
To meet the required fees and charges for the medical services provided in a timely manner.
To treat all staff, visitors and other patients with respect and courtesy.
To respectfully comply with KIMS Bahrain Medical Centre’s regulations and requirements, such as: opening hours, non-smoking rule, looking after your kids inside the hospital.
To follow the treatment plan recommended by your doctor, or to accept responsibility for your health outcome if you choose not to.
Inform your doctor or nurse of any changes that occurin your medical condition, whether positive or negative.
We also kindly ask you to candidly complete the Patient Feedback Form before you leave the hospital to help us constantly improve our services.